8 research outputs found

    Instruct-Align: Teaching Novel Languages with to LLMs through Alignment-based Cross-Lingual Instruction

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    Instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable generalization capability over multiple tasks in multiple languages. Nevertheless, their generalization towards different languages varies especially to underrepresented languages or even to unseen languages. Prior works on adapting new languages to LLMs find that naively adapting new languages to instruction-tuned LLMs will result in catastrophic forgetting, which in turn causes the loss of multitasking ability in these LLMs. To tackle this, we propose the Instruct-Align a.k.a (IA)1^1 framework, which enables instruction-tuned LLMs to learn cross-lingual alignment between unseen and previously learned languages via alignment-based cross-lingual instruction-tuning. Our preliminary result on BLOOMZ-560M shows that (IA)1^1 is able to learn a new language effectively with only a limited amount of parallel data and at the same time prevent catastrophic forgetting by applying continual instruction-tuning through experience replay. Our work contributes to the progression of language adaptation methods for instruction-tuned LLMs and opens up the possibility of adapting underrepresented low-resource languages into existing instruction-tuned LLMs. Our code will be publicly released upon acceptance

    InstructTODS: Large Language Models for End-to-End Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

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    Large language models (LLMs) have been used for diverse tasks in natural language processing (NLP), yet remain under-explored for task-oriented dialogue systems (TODS), especially for end-to-end TODS. We present InstructTODS, a novel off-the-shelf framework for zero-shot end-to-end task-oriented dialogue systems that can adapt to diverse domains without fine-tuning. By leveraging LLMs, InstructTODS generates a proxy belief state that seamlessly translates user intentions into dynamic queries for efficient interaction with any KB. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that InstructTODS achieves comparable performance to fully fine-tuned TODS in guiding dialogues to successful completion without prior knowledge or task-specific data. Furthermore, a rigorous human evaluation of end-to-end TODS shows that InstructTODS produces dialogue responses that notably outperform both the gold responses and the state-of-the-art TODS in terms of helpfulness, informativeness, and humanness. Moreover, the effectiveness of LLMs in TODS is further supported by our comprehensive evaluations on TODS subtasks: dialogue state tracking, intent classification, and response generation. Code and implementations could be found here https://github.com/WillyHC22/InstructTODS

    Survey of Social Bias in Vision-Language Models

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    In recent years, the rapid advancement of machine learning (ML) models, particularly transformer-based pre-trained models, has revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV) fields. However, researchers have discovered that these models can inadvertently capture and reinforce social biases present in their training datasets, leading to potential social harms, such as uneven resource allocation and unfair representation of specific social groups. Addressing these biases and ensuring fairness in artificial intelligence (AI) systems has become a critical concern in the ML community. The recent introduction of pre-trained vision-and-language (VL) models in the emerging multimodal field demands attention to the potential social biases present in these models as well. Although VL models are susceptible to social bias, there is a limited understanding compared to the extensive discussions on bias in NLP and CV. This survey aims to provide researchers with a high-level insight into the similarities and differences of social bias studies in pre-trained models across NLP, CV, and VL. By examining these perspectives, the survey aims to offer valuable guidelines on how to approach and mitigate social bias in both unimodal and multimodal settings. The findings and recommendations presented here can benefit the ML community, fostering the development of fairer and non-biased AI models in various applications and research endeavors

    Contrastive Learning for Inference in Dialogue

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    Inference, especially those derived from inductive processes, is a crucial component in our conversation to complement the information implicitly or explicitly conveyed by a speaker. While recent large language models show remarkable advances in inference tasks, their performance in inductive reasoning, where not all information is present in the context, is far behind deductive reasoning. In this paper, we analyze the behavior of the models based on the task difficulty defined by the semantic information gap -- which distinguishes inductive and deductive reasoning (Johnson-Laird, 1988, 1993). Our analysis reveals that the disparity in information between dialogue contexts and desired inferences poses a significant challenge to the inductive inference process. To mitigate this information gap, we investigate a contrastive learning approach by feeding negative samples. Our experiments suggest negative samples help models understand what is wrong and improve their inference generations.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP202

    Prompting Large Language Models to Generate Code-Mixed Texts: The Case of South East Asian Languages

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    While code-mixing is a common linguistic practice in many parts of the world, collecting high-quality and low-cost code-mixed data remains a challenge for natural language processing (NLP) research. The proliferation of Large Language Models (LLMs) in recent times compels one to ask: can these systems be used for data generation? In this article, we explore prompting LLMs in a zero-shot manner to create code-mixed data for five languages in South East Asia (SEA) -- Indonesian, Malay, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, as well as the creole language Singlish. We find that ChatGPT shows the most potential, capable of producing code-mixed text 68% of the time when the term "code-mixing" is explicitly defined. Moreover, both ChatGPT and InstructGPT's (davinci-003) performances in generating Singlish texts are noteworthy, averaging a 96% success rate across a variety of prompts. The code-mixing proficiency of ChatGPT and InstructGPT, however, is dampened by word choice errors that lead to semantic inaccuracies. Other multilingual models such as BLOOMZ and Flan-T5-XXL are unable to produce code-mixed texts altogether. By highlighting the limited promises of LLMs in a specific form of low-resource data generation, we call for a measured approach when applying similar techniques to other data-scarce NLP contexts

    NusaWrites: Constructing High-Quality Corpora for Underrepresented and Extremely Low-Resource Languages

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    Democratizing access to natural language processing (NLP) technology is crucial, especially for underrepresented and extremely low-resource languages. Previous research has focused on developing labeled and unlabeled corpora for these languages through online scraping and document translation. While these methods have proven effective and cost-efficient, we have identified limitations in the resulting corpora, including a lack of lexical diversity and cultural relevance to local communities. To address this gap, we conduct a case study on Indonesian local languages. We compare the effectiveness of online scraping, human translation, and paragraph writing by native speakers in constructing datasets. Our findings demonstrate that datasets generated through paragraph writing by native speakers exhibit superior quality in terms of lexical diversity and cultural content. In addition, we present the \datasetname{} benchmark, encompassing 12 underrepresented and extremely low-resource languages spoken by millions of individuals in Indonesia. Our empirical experiment results using existing multilingual large language models conclude the need to extend these models to more underrepresented languages. We release the NusaWrites dataset at https://github.com/IndoNLP/nusa-writes

    NusaCrowd: Open Source Initiative for Indonesian NLP Resources

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    We present NusaCrowd, a collaborative initiative to collect and unify existing resources for Indonesian languages, including opening access to previously non-public resources. Through this initiative, we have brought together 137 datasets and 118 standardized data loaders. The quality of the datasets has been assessed manually and automatically, and their value is demonstrated through multiple experiments. NusaCrowd's data collection enables the creation of the first zero-shot benchmarks for natural language understanding and generation in Indonesian and the local languages of Indonesia. Furthermore, NusaCrowd brings the creation of the first multilingual automatic speech recognition benchmark in Indonesian and the local languages of Indonesia. Our work strives to advance natural language processing (NLP) research for languages that are under-represented despite being widely spoken

    ASCEND: A Spontaneous Chinese-English Dataset for Code-switching in Multi-turn Conversation

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    Code-switching is a speech phenomenon occurring when a speaker switches language during a conversation. Despite the spontaneous nature of code-switching in conversational spoken language, most existing works collect code-switching data from read speech instead of spontaneous speech. ASCEND (A Spontaneous Chinese-English Dataset) is a high-quality Mandarin Chinese-English code-switching corpus built on spontaneous multi-turn conversational dialogue sources collected in Hong Kong. We report ASCEND's design and procedure for collecting the speech data, including annotations. ASCEND consists of 10.62 hours of clean speech, collected from 23 bilingual speakers of Chinese and English. Furthermore, we conduct baseline experiments using pre-trained wav2vec 2.0 models, achieving a best performance of 22.69\% character error rate and 27.05% mixed error rate